Un documentario di / A documentary by Chiara Andrich
Prodotto da / Produced by rEsistenze
Italia, DV PAL, 2015, 50′
The documentary tells the history of the Italian resistance in Treviso through the testimonies of women who took part in this movement, as messengers or fighters, from September 8, 1943. The reasons of their choice, their strategies, actions and emotions, dramas, their joy of liberation, their expectations and disappointments. An unusual perspective of the Resistance movement emerges from the documentary, made of a daily and “natural” heroism, founded on acts of solidarity and difficult choices that in some cases caused sufferings and humiliation, but that represented a path of personal freedom.
Festival dei diritti umani di Milano 2016,
Filmare la storia 2016
Premio 25 aprile, Filmare la storia 2016
Regia e Montaggio | Direction and editing: Chiara Andrich
Con | With: Rachele Scarpa
E con | And with:Tina Anselmi, Rosina Annetta Bernardi, Anna Braido,
Marcella Dallan, Itala Da Re, Bruna Fregonese, Sofia Gobbo,
Rina Lorenzon, Luciana Tecla Piva, Gina Roma, Nedda Zanfranceschi
Letture | Readings: Umberto Lorenzoni, Valentina Paronetto
Riprese | Shooting: Chiara Andrich, Andrea Mura
Audio mastering: Soundrivemotion
Interviste d’archivio | Archive: Provincia di Treviso, Istresco, Iveser, ANPI Mestre, Associazione rEsistenze
Foto archivio | Photo archive: F.A.S.T, ISREV, ISTRESCO, rEsistenze
Musiche popolari | Musics: Francesca Gallo
Consulenza scientifica | Scientific consultant
: ANPI Provinciale Treviso, Associazione rEsistenze, ISTRESCO
Produzione | Production: rEsistenze
In collaborazione con | In partnership with: ANPI Treviso, ISTRESCO
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