Un documentario di / A documentary by Maurilio Mangano
Prodotto da / Produced by Son of a gun Film Group
Italia, 2014, 71′
In an occupied former school, the families of Georgian refugees who have fled the war of Abkhazia live in nostalgia of a past that is also their present and future. A reflection on the enforced loss of places of origin, the fear of forgetting one’s roots and the myth of the return to the Promised Land.
Festivals: Trieste Film Festival 2015
Filmes do Homem 2015
Human Rights International Film Festival – Todi 2015
Regia / Direction: Maurilio Mangano. Fotografia / Photography: Irma Vecchio. Montaggio / Editing: Chiara Andrich. Suono / Sound: Danilo Romancino. Produzione / Produced by: Son of a gun Film Group
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